The Story






A Seed Planted..

They say there are three elements that it takes for a flower to grow: soil, sunlight and air. I think it's missing the key ingredient: SPIRIT . Only a divine entity can take a tiny seed and some random ingredients to create the beauty that is the flower. Now take this information and lock it in the back of your mind. ..

Here at Diosa body beads we know that you can go anywhere to get some beads and some string and tie it together on your waist. WE KNOW BECAUSE THAT'S HOW WE STARTED LOL . But in seeing women wear these gorgeous waistbeads, we genuinely felt that we had something to offer. Something to spark a light within not only ourselves but other lost women and energies traveling through this realm. Our spirit spoke to us and through us with uncertainty but it was clearly a mission. An anointing if you will. We saw that it’s power in setting intentions and manifesting the life you desire. These beads date back to our roots in Africa even back to Kemet. We’re on a journey to bridge the gap in the diaspora. A journey to heal and adorn the bodies that did not realize they were seeds. Being a seed is cool and all, because you know you're destined for great beauty and allure. But don't you want to take that extra step to plant yourself and see what you blossom into? Trust me I know that soil doesn’t seem like it’s ready and it doesn’t seem like it’s quite your season.. But you reading this is a living testimony that flowers do grow out of the mud.


Welcome to the Goddess Haven where we adorn the bodies of divine energies. Love Always